Streamlined Procurement Through Sourcewell

When you need to get repairs, renovations, upgrades or time-sensitive work underway quickly, Gordian’s ezIQC solution, available through Sourcewell, allows you to access competitively-awarded contractors ready to get started on your project immediately. With ezIQC, you avoid the red tape of traditional procurement, issue POs in days and still satisfy your local competitive-bidding requirements. And you can do all this while taking advantage of cooperative volume discounts.


1.  Joint Scope Meeting

Once project information is received, Gordian will contact you to schedule a Joint Scope Meeting at the site to help you and the contractor agree on the details of the work to be performed. This meeting allows the contractor to inspect the site and ask questions before submitting a Price Proposal, helping to eliminate misunderstandings and mistakes. This upfront, open communication often results in more

cost-effective, collaborative solutions.

2.   Detailed Scope of Work

Gordian helps you prepare a Detailed Scope of Work that describes the work the contractor will perform. The Detailed Scope of Work will be sent along with the Request for Proposal to the contractor.

3.   Price Proposal

The contractor prepares a Price Proposal by selecting the appropriate tasks from Gordian’s Construction Task Catalog® (CTC). The contractor submits the Price Proposal along with a construction schedule and list of proposed local contractors.

4.    Price Proposal Review

Gordian reviews the Price Proposal to ensure the contractor has selected the appropriate tasks and quantities and will ask the contractor to make any required changes. The reviewed Price Proposal is submitted for your final review.

5.   Purchase Order Issued

Once you are 100% satisfied with the Price Proposal, construction schedule, proposed subcontractors and have received and approved any other required documents (e.g. bonds, certificates of insurance, etc.), you can issue a purchase order for the contractor to proceed.